Liceo Attilio Bertolucci, Parma,

The project aims to make the participants understand and reflect both the major historic developments in the job market still affecting us today and the current economic and technological changes on a pan-European level so they can mutually benefit from and succeed in that newly shaped and highly competitive job market by acquiring knowledge and competences as much as training e.g. high quality language, digital and social skills. Thus the project can make a small contribution to make of the EU's 2020 Agenda to create jobs an even bigger success. In recent years the European world of work and consequently also the European job market have been influenced by new challenges such as globalization, youth unemployment and in particular digitalization, with the latter mostly referred to as Industry 4.0. In analogy to the concept of Industry 4.0 one has to see the major impact those developments have had on the job market. Therefore, in this project the participating schools will speak of the Job Market 4.0.